I've been working and working and working. Sometimes even working from home, rooted in front of my computer, as my wife puts it. All for what? The intention was to gain something from work: promotion, more money, good prospects and steady income. But I got none of those, and instead, loss all of those and more. The most important thing I lost from having overtaxed myself at work is "quality time".
Catching up somewhat on family quality time, I see that the quirkiness and deviousness of my daughter has exponentially increased. I've also learned that I'm easily bribed. All Hanaa has to say is, "Daddiiiiiiii...," which she is quite adapt at already. That, and when she lands me a kiss or two out of the blue, pretty much means she gets her slave to do whatever she wants.
She had to wear a Nike, replacing her old fav Crocs, cause the next upgrade size was too much bigger. So now she would grab her Nike's whenever someone heads to the door and try to get into them so she could follow. Her idea of "good" time, is "go out" time.
Next post, I hope to get some pics of her while she is having her jolly good time at Kiz Sports. She really is one active girl. Has more energy in her than in both her parents combined.