Mar 15, 2008


My first. She has the gaze of her Daddy, you think? According to Pride and Ego, yes. Yes, she does.

The Princess is now 16.5 months. I've been asked, can she walk? Can she speak yet? Is she a good girl? Does she sleep well? In answer, yes, she walks. She runs. She recently got her 2nd pair of Crocs. She loves her Crocs. On trying on the first pair, and again when buying the 2nd pair, she couldn't wait to get into them and once in, she ran and laughed. Her Mommy and Daddy loves Crocs, too, since they are meant to be worn loose, they are very good for fast growing little ones: they don't chaff on the feet so soon and yet they aren't loose in a way that the little one would have difficulty walking with, and they generally serve a longer duration as compared to non-Crocs.

She still can NOT speak clearly. Still in her own coded language. Maybe she will start soon. Sometimes, on rare occassion, she would deign to speak in our language and call "Da da da da da da.... daddy" or "Maaaaa!".

She's a good girl..... most of the time. To me, very good girl. She needs to do a bit more to pass her Daddy's outstandingly good girl mark, but I think she shows promise and will achieve that score. Especially if she speaks, "Daddy!"

She sleeps well? Usually her sleep in the night is broken by a milk request unless she had a heavy dinner or supper beforehand. She's pretty much pampered in the sense she has a queen-sized bed (she has displaced me from the bed) and usually is snuggled on, under or in between 8 pillows. She hates any blanket, cloth or quilt covering her, though. On the whole, yes, she sleeps well when she wishes to sleep. The problem is getting her to sleep. It's obvious she tries to stay awake as much as possible. You can see her eyes drooping shut then she'll toss her head and pry them open, ay, sometimes even using her fingers to do so.

That's my 16.5 month girl, 하나.